Welcome to Valkyries Girls Lacrosse!
Your player will need the following this season:
1. Girls lacrosse stick
Beginner lacrosse sticks range from $35 to $50. Popular brands include STX, DeBeer, and Brine. Please contact us if you need to borrow a stick for the season ~ we have some available for the younger/smaller players.
Honestly, there’s not much difference between the starter sticks (just don't buy a "fiddle stick" ; they are too small for a lacrosse ball). For our younger players, a common rule of thumb for determining proper stick length is to have your daughter hold her stick about a third of the way down from the stick head so the stick is parallel to the ground. Whatever part of the shaft is sticking out past her armpit, give or take an inch, can be cut off. This makes a big difference for new players when they’re learning to catch and throw. The pocket of a girls’ stick is made primarily with string with a few off-setting strings or leather thongs, which are known as the shooting strings. There is almost no pocket on the girls’ stick, making it more difficult to run and cradle. Cradling is the motion lacrosse players use to keep the ball from falling out and protecting. Girls lacrosse does not allow players to check, which is why there are so few pieces of equipment needed compared to the boys.
2. Goggles or Helmet
Helmets are optional in girls lacrosse; goggles are required. A helmet replaces the need for goggles and as long as it isn’t too warm, is more comfortable. If your player wears eyeglasses, helmets are better. The majority of older players wear goggles, but one lacrosse ball to the head can make helmets an easy choice! It is a personal choice for the players at this time.
3. Mouthguard
Any color EXCEPT clear or white. These are mandatory to play!
4. Cleats
Soccer cleats work great. Keep in mind that soccer cleats do not have a spike on the toe like softball or baseball cleats. If your daughter is playing both soccer and lacrosse, opt for soccer cleats or you will end up purchasing two pairs!
Here is a visual of the equipment used in girls lacrosse:

Each 10U-14U player will receive a reversible jersey and either a kilt (skirt to be worn over shorts) or a skort for games and tournaments. Uniforms will be returned at the end of the season. Note: players will need to bring and wear a pair of biker shorts under the kilts (see image). All 8U players will wear pinnies for both practices and games. Pinnies will also be returned at the end of the season.
The uniforms are in the process of being designed for the new club and logo. We hope to have samples for players to try so we can get accurate inventory for the season. There may be a deposit required for uniforms this year so that we are sure to get all of them returned at the end. Stay tuned on that!